Trading with Whatsapp Call - A Requested Event

I had been receiving many emails requesting for my Whatsapp calls. I won't say I am always right on my calls but I put in effort to scan and carefully pick the right stock so as to send out the right Whatsapp alert. More importantly, always set the cut loss tight and then stick to the game plan. Look at Capitaland, I made a call last week to short and within 2 days, the stock broke down with high volume and during my Special Ops LIVE Trading, we shorted LIVE at 9:00am and within intraday, the stock tanked and we made a good handsome sum of profits.

Since there were too many requests and emails, I decided to do an event just to share about my Whatsapp alert. If you are a trader interested in short term trading, shorting blue chips with CFD, next Tuesday, I will show you how to short when I login to my CFD platform with a simple step by step on how to perform short sell. The Whatsapp alert is an extra bonus. Registration is below:

Eventbrite - Register for a Whatsapp Call Event

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist
